

   Welcome to St. Agnes Catholic Church! It is a great blessing to have you join us. It is my prayer that you grow in love and discipleship with Jesus, experiencing the fullness of life through our community of faith. I invite you to join us for Mass each week. Receiving the Eucharist offers life-giving nourishment and peace. Confession, Eucharistic AdorationFamily Faith Formation, Adult Faith Enrichment opportunities, and middle and high school youth groups (Edge and Life Teen) are other ways to experience and grow in our beautiful faith at St. Agnes. I hope you will find our parish to be a vibrant community with many ways to connect and serve. Our wonderful staff welcomes the opportunity to support you in your journey of faith. Please reach out to them, and stay connected through our parish app, website, bulletin, and social media.

    God has given each of us beautiful gifts to help build his kingdom here on earth. Your stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is a powerful way to give thanks to God. Your financial support enables us to carry out our mission and ministries, helping us “go and bear fruit that remains.” John 15:16. I look forward to getting to know you and I pray that you are blessed through an ever-deepening and personal relationship with Jesus here at St. Agnes.

Yours in Christ,

Very Rev. Robert Kantor, V. F.


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I’m a returning Catholic.
I’m interested in learning more about the Catholic Church.
I want to become Catholic.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I join a parish?

  • When are Masses held?

    Our parish's schedule of Masses is available by calling the church office, our Mass Times page, or viewing our online calendar.

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  • How do I become Catholic?

    We're glad you asked! We welcome you to contact the church office to speak with our OCIA director. We've also provided some introductory answers on this website.

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  • Where is the church located?

    You can find a map on the website from the link below.

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